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Never Married
Hamburg, Hamburg
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In their own words

با یک فنجان چای هم می‌شود مست شد،تنها اگر آنکه باید باشد، باشد

زندگی، در صدف خویش گُهَرساختن است. عمری را صرف ساختن مروارید کردم. حال تو در کنار ساحل، صدف خالی جمع میکنی؟ از اشنایی با کساییکه برای زندگیشون هدف دارند خوشحال میشم. منو با نوشتن عددهای یک دو درانتهای نامم در شبکه جهانی که با ی ا ه شروع میشه میتونید پیدا کنید. من نه عاشق هستم ونه محتاج نگاهی که بلغزد برمن من خودم هستم وتنهایی و یک حس غریب که به صدعشق وهوس می ارزد من نه عاشق هستم ونه آلوده به افکار پلید من به دنبال نگاهی هستم که مرا از پس دیوانگی ام میفهمد !! ............................ پرده پرده آنقدر از هم دریدم خویش را تا که تصویری ورای خویش دیدم خویش را خویش خویش من مرا و هر چه من ها بود سوخت کشتم آن خویش و زخاکش پروریدم خویش را معنی این خویش را از خویش خویش خود بپرس خویش بینی را گزیدم تا گذیدم خویش را می شدم ساقی شدم ساغر شدم مستی شدم تا زتاکستان هستی خوشه چیدم خویش را سردی کاشانه را با آه گرمی داده ام راه را بر خورشید بستم تا دمیدم خویش را برده داران زمانها چوب حراجم زدند دست اول تا برآمد، خود خریدم خویش را بزم سازان جهان می از سبوی پر خورند من تهی پیمانه بودم سر کشیدم خویش را اشک و من با یک ترازو قدر هم بشناختیم ارزش من بین که با گوهر کشیدم خویش را شمعم و با سوختن تا آخرین دم زنده ام قطره قطره سوختم تا آفریدم خویش را

Best Feature
5'  6"   (168 cm)
Family Roots
My Lifestyle
I'll tell you later
Has Kids
Wants Kids
I'll tell you later
Master's Degree
Technical Science / Engineering
$60,000 - $75,000
I'll tell you later
What languages do you speak?
English, Farsi / Persian, German
Favorite Actors
Keanu Reeves
Favorite Actresses
Hedieh Tehrani
Favorite Authors
Celion Dion
Favorite Colors
Favorite Country
I love animals
Community Service
Raeding&writing Literary texts
Adventurousness Very Cautious
Affectionateness Very Doting
Trustingness Very Gullible
Confidence Somewhat Confident
Independence Somewhat Independent
Mood Carefree, Chill
Romance Somewhat Romantic
Sociability Somewhat Extroverted
Tolerance Very Compliant
Dress Somewhat Formal
Energy Somewhat High
Religion Average
Neatness Somewhat Neat
Punctuality Always Early
Spending Average
Work Ethic Driven
Do you believe in love at first sight?
To some extend but rarely
How important is someone's physical appearance to you?
Less than 30%
If you could have one super power, what would it be and why?
Tried to help people who are suffering from poverty and starving, tried to bring good feelings to the people who are depressed or disappointed or... and bring them even a short time to be happy
What is the purpose of marriage?
Getting out of our selfishness and paying attention to someone else more than ourselves, doing everything for his/her happiness and in return receiving good feeling. We do it because we know that in this world, anyone else is also worry about us and our feelings are important for him/her from his/her deepest heart. That is a real meaning of life not live.
What is the most important lesson that you've learned?
Never trust anyone who is always engaged to love himself and do whatever he liked even if it is totally against your willingness.
What do your friends like about you most?
Kindness, happiness, positive energy
What gets on your nerves?
Impolitely, selfish, Attempting to attract the attentin of others with light-hearted and nasty behavior
What is the most important thing in a relationship?
Beeing kindness to each other,mutual understanding, respect to any willingness of other person even if it is not against our relationship
What's the best age to get married?
What turns you off?
Impolitely, selfish, Attempting to attract the attentin of others with light-hearted and nasty behavior
What turns you on?
Seeing someone's happiness or regaining her/his healthy even if I do not know her/him, help someone and see the results in her/his life even for a short time
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