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Shutesbury, MA
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In their own words

"Love is the bridge to everything" Rumi-Tell me where this bridge is please

Knowing me, is the prerequisite for telling you truthfully about me & trying to match what I want, like, desire to the perception I have about you; your likes, dislikes, desires. I am looking for a life-partner, my best friend ("A good friend knows all your stories but, a best friend helped you create them") & a playful playmate who wants to PLAY, all rolled into one. Is it too much to ask? I'm versed in many sports & activities, see "Favorite Sports" I was a warrior/paratrooper in US army & a scientist/toxicologist in US Air Force. I retired from the military after 28 years of service. I'm educated w/ 2 undergrad & 3 grad degrees. I am artist now. I write essays & poetry, I draw to express opinions on social issues, am a mover & dancer (Contact Improv) & I move my body any chance I get. I might have it in me to be a percussionist/drummer (Daf, Tombak, Taiko). I am curious & I would love to be a creator; I might be already . I love yoga, it makes me flexible physically. I like Tai Chi & Qi gong, they make me mentally flexible. I like Buddhism, Taoism & Rumi, they make me spiritually flexible. God spoke to me & she told me that I might find you let's see if you're here or if she's messing with an old fool again... “I searched for God and found only myself. I searched for myself and found only God.” -Rumi Wish u the best... Rumi said "What u seek is seeking u" but u have to be patient w/ yourself & old fools like me chasing after you. TY ♡(ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ)♡

White or Gray
5' 10"   (178 cm)
Family Roots
Middle Eastern
My Lifestyle
Has Kids
Wants Kids
Master's Degree
Technical Science / Engineering
I'll tell you later
Very Liberal
What languages do you speak?
English, Farsi / Persian, Spanish
Favorite Music
Dance / Electronica / House, Alternative, Drum'n'Bass, Instrumental, Latin, Jazz, New Age, Lounge / Chill, Middle Eastern / Persian / Arabic, Rap / Hip-Hop, Reggae, Rock & Roll, Classical, Classic Rock
Favorite Athletes
Me?! :))))))
Favorite Authors
Mark Twain, Rumi, Lao Tzu, Sun Tzu, Eckhart Tolle
Favorite Hangouts
Any dance floor, my place, your place,
Favorite Books
The Art of War, Sun Tzu: "Know yourself and know your enemy); if you're like me and look at your enemy in the mirror everyday then you can hit two birds with one stone
Favorite Cities
Cities didn't make my list this year
Favorite Clothing Stores
Cheap ones, Costco? :)))
Favorite Colors
Black, Gray, black on gray, gray on black...did I forget navy blue and blood red T-shirts
Favorite Country
Planet Earth, you love the past if you're thinking countries
Favorite Drinks
Tea (green, white, Oolong), Coffee, Water, water unpolluted, fresh water, water without ice, tap water :)))
Favorite Fashion Designers
I dislike them all...equally!
Favorite Fast Foods
Mixed nuts, A protein bar and a banana
Favorite Magazines
Really.... If your still turning magazine pages, you must be as ancient as I am. :)))
Favorite Comedies
George Carlin, Ronnie Chang, Lewis Black get the idea
Favorite Dramas
My life??? :)))
Favorite Horror Movies
Are you kidding...they scare me! :))))
Favorite Action Movies
Sorry thrillers... but Tom Cruise is a good commercial action star if you can micro-dose him
Favorite News Anchor
They all suck....blah, blah, blah, your today's news...
Favorite Night Clubs
I am too old, they don't let me in :))))
Favorite Place To Be Kissed
Favorite Plays
Dance: my strategic framework for contact improv dance is Play, Explorer, Investigate and Discover, a joyful framework for ANY endeavor in life
Favorite Politicians
Bernie Sanders, Robert Reich
Favorite Sports Teams
Don't care for team sports....they all refused to pay me to watch them. :))))
Favorite Quote From A Movie
"I believe what we have here is failure to communicate) Paul Newman in Cool Hand Luke; I believe communication failure is an endemic human problem. We use the same exact words but with different intentions and interpretations
Favorite Restaurants
My Place? Ask me to look at the vegetarian menu.
Favorite Sports
As long as I am moving, I am happy but...dancing? I used to climb a lot, mountain biking, skiing, snowboarding, skydive, yoga, Tai Chi, Aikido, martial arts, love to learn BJJ (Brazilian jiu-jitsu), skate boarding, weight/strength training
Favorite TV Comedies
MASH & Ted Lasso Apple TV, funny, creative with a lot of wisdom
Favorite TV News Sources
National Public Radio (US), The Guardian and BBC (UK)
Favorite Foods
Vegetarian and organic
Favorite Styles Of Music
Dance music but not disco
Who me? I not too old for you but for sure I am too old for acting. On the other hand, I am always acting to be perceived more than what I am. Does it count?
Oh yes! I look at one the mirror. :)))
My closet is full of them
If only, I was talented, creative and hard-working. :)))
Bunk?! You can probably sell it to me, as I am not very smart
It might takes us a while to get out of our solar system. So, stop trashing and pooping on my home planet
Vegetables?....ok. :)
What kind? and for what? Squats, shoulder presses or bicep curls??? Now days there many different kinds. :))))
I like to stand on one. It's great for strengthening your feet and improving balance
My domain, I got you covered, microbiology or biological chemistry (biochemistry)
Board Games
Sure why not, I am very rusty but I challenge you to a game of backgammon, chess or Chinese Go (but have you learn it first). :)))
Business Finance
Their purpose is to get you from point A to be B or impress a good looking woman for a night
We got enough humans on this planet
Cirque du Soleil? Sure
Love it
Absolutely * absolutely = absolutely^2!
Oh my God. It's so so so hard to understand women. Would you please teach me the female language? I'd pay you & will be grateful to you forever. :)))
Dogs and Cats
...are probably smarter than me and have better manners than me
I like it and dabble in it.
Love it.
Vegetarian and organic
What kind? Don't care for neither
What a waste of time
I like to get into it
Don't have one
What do I do without it
Love it. Taoism, short, simple and easy. "Wei Wu Wei" or "do without doing" I have not figured it out yet but love to. :)))
Adventurousness Somewhat Daring
Affectionateness Average
Trustingness Very Skeptical
Confidence Somewhat Confident
Independence Very Independent
Mood Average
Romance Average
Sociability Somewhat Extroverted
Thought Process Very Analytical
Tolerance Average
Dress Very Casual
Energy Somewhat High
Go Party Never
Religion Not a Part At All
Neatness Somewhat Neat
Punctuality Often Early
Spending Somewhat Thrifty
Work Ethic Driven
Describe the perfect evening.
Dance, dance, dance Contact Improv standing up on fours or rolling on the floor. :)
Describe your perfect weekend.
Move and dance more... :)
Do you believe in love at first sight?
You have to work on it diligently everyday...give, take, negotiate and share weight equally
How many kids would you like to have?
I have one too many
How important is someone's physical appearance to you?
I am old so you have to be in great shape to pick up my old useless ass. :))))
If you could have one super power, what would it be and why?
My super power? I would like to know how to love.... unconditionally???
What is the purpose of marriage?
It's a piece of paper signifying commitment???I don't know....tell me, please!
What is the most important lesson that you've learned?
Know yourself and be patient with yourself and others, "what you seek is seeking you" Rumi
What do your friends like about you most?
What friends??? Ask them and please let me know. :)))
What do your friends tease you about the most?
I do have a very thick skin, as soft as alligator's skin. :)))
What gets on your nerves?
Me??? Being Idle? But I am very found of Lao Tzu (Tao Te Ching) for what he said "Do without doing"! :)
What is the most important thing in a relationship?
Being flexible, mind, body and spirit, being reasonable and ability to negotiate
What's the best age to get married?
Don't know... your age?
What turns you off?
Being out of shape and being unreasonable
What turns you on?
Looks?, Agreat body?! Or a great mind complimenting what little gray matter I have
What do you hope to be doing five years from now?
Be alive? I know, I am dreamer! :))))
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