Knowing me, is the prerequisite for telling you truthfully about me & trying to match what I want, like, desire to the perception I have about you; your likes, dislikes, desires. I am looking for a life-partner, my best friend ("A good friend knows all your stories but, a best friend helped you create them") & a playful playmate who wants to PLAY, all rolled into one. Is it too much to ask? I'm versed in many sports & activities, see "Favorite Sports" I was a warrior/paratrooper in US army & a scientist/toxicologist in US Air Force. I retired from the military after 28 years of service. I'm educated w/ 2 undergrad & 3 grad degrees. I am artist now. I write essays & poetry, I draw to express opinions on social issues, am a mover & dancer (Contact Improv) & I move my body any chance I get. I might have it in me to be a percussionist/drummer (Daf, Tombak, Taiko). I am curious & I would love to be a creator; I might be already . I love yoga, it makes me flexible physically. I like Tai Chi & Qi gong, they make me mentally flexible. I like Buddhism, Taoism & Rumi, they make me spiritually flexible. God spoke to me & she told me that I might find you let's see if you're here or if she's messing with an old fool again... “I searched for God and found only myself. I searched for myself and found only God.” -Rumi Wish u the best... Rumi said "What u seek is seeking u" but u have to be patient w/ yourself & old fools like me chasing after you. TY ♡(ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ)♡