Having balanced life makes u a better person, when it’s time for school when it’s time to go to work when it’s time to help others when it’s time to make family when it’s time to have leisure and fun vacation Biggest mistakes we can make is believing that love is finding the right person in reality, Love is about becoming the right person! don’t go looking for the person you want to spend the rest of your life with the people who deserve you will naturally gravitate towards you, that’s why I joined this site, we encounter many peopley from other countries Iran, Canada Europe, so it’s very difficult to establish long distance and frequent dating on the weekends until we get to know each other yet when we find someone in Southern California instead of being grateful finding love compassion, decent partner bringing joy, care, love, compassion, prosperity, happiness, honesty, not to lie and be respectful and not to leave like vegetable .. Also, it’s important for you to know I am not deeply rooted stuck in California if we can provide a better living with financially and leisure wise weatherwise, I am willing to move with no hesitation so please once we go back-and-forth, we will together decide which city is best suitable for us to live and establish love